PHP MySQL Backup Utility Pro
PHP script to make SQL commands to delete, insert, and modify MySQL database table entries.
Useful for:
(1) when you update your database offline and import the changes to online database (especially incremental backups), or
(2) when you update your database online and want a SQL backup of the changes.

Download current version:
Current version: v2.0.1
Created: April 8, 2002.
Last modified: July 13, 2002.
Download source code, scripts, and documentation:
System Requirements:
PHP4, MySQL (for any
"Action:" options other than DELETE).
Installation and
(optional) Default values may be modified in the file
(MySQL-Backup-Utility.php ; the file can be renamed if you want).
Copy the file to your server, and run it.
FREE (GPL - See Copyright and
Terms below).
Copyright and Terms:
This software is copyright (C) 2002 Mike Miller. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Because it is licensed free of charge, there is NO WARRANTY, it is provided AS IS. The author can not be held liable for any damage that might arise from the use of this software. Use it at your own risk.
All copyright notices and links to website MUST remain intact in the scripts and in the HTML for the scripts.
For more details, see GPL license (or
Version History:
Version: v1.0.0 - April 8, 2002 -
First Release - Delete option only. Version:
v2.0.1 - July 13, 2002. - Many options and improvements added.